Frequently Asked Questions
I’m not comfortable with letting my child “cry it out”. Is sleep training still an option?
Sleep training doesn’t mean leaving your child in their room to cry until they fall asleep. The method you choose is only a small piece of the sleep-puzzle. Sleep training is a much bigger picture that includes an age-appropriate sleep schedule based on their biological clock, routines, consistency, and a sleep environment that is conducive for sleep.
I educate on and offer multiple sleep training methods. Together, we navigate which method is best for your family so that you are comfortable with the sleep plan we create.
A “no-cry” sleep solution does not exist. Children have big emotions and crying is how they communicate their frustrations and protest change.
What age children do you work with?
Newborn to 5 years old. I offer several different sleep packages that you can check out on my Sleep Services page.
I have twins. Does this mean I have to pay double?
No! I will write your family’s personalized sleep plan to accommodate your twins at no extra charge.
How do I know if this is going to work? Can you offer a guarantee?
The biggest factor in seeing your child succeed is YOU! You have to be the one to consistently implement the sleep plan every step of the way. As I cannot be the one to carry out the plan, I cannot make any guarantees. If you are committed, consistent and coachable, you will see progress.
Why should I hire a Sleep Consultant? Isn’t there enough sleep training information available online?
Yes, you can find almost anything online, which can be both a blessing and a curse. But, when you are experiencing sleep deprivation and feel you are at your wits’ end, reading books and blogs trying to find the right plan for you can take a lot of time and add to that exhaustion. My education through the Family Sleep Institute allows me to identify sleep issues, create a personalized family plan, and quickly help you reach your family sleep goals.
How quickly should I expect to see results?
This depends on the age of your child, and the issues they are having. If your child is young (less than a year old) and you are consistently implementing your sleep plan, you may see results within a week. If your child is older and has been having sleep issues for quite some time, it may take two or three weeks of consistency to see changes. Consistency is key when implementing your sleep plan. My guidance and follow up support will help guide you so that you see changes as quickly as possible.